
It is the pasture of the white sheep consisting mainly of a Polled Dorset and a South down. Sheep are pastured from spring to autumn , and white sheep flow grass slowly on a green carpet .

The start in April is Lambing season .

About 200 sheeps are pastured from spring to autumn , it is covered by long wool and overcome in winter.

Lamb will come outside together with ewes in May.
They eat grass and milk .
. A clover is a favorite food.

Shepherd experience \1000 About 1 hour (AM 10:00 - AM 11:00)

Work of the shepherd at that time is then experienced.
Feeding and milking to a lamb, and You can experience the occasional everyday work, such as moving the sheep with dog,

Milking and gathering the sheep with the dog is from July to october. Mating can also be seen November.
Feeding and gathering the sheep with the doga snowy field can be experienced in winter. Breeding may be able for two weeks from March 20.